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Arthur Cozine

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 06 апреля 1894, Овен (130 лет)
Первый фильм: 1913
Последний фильм: 1917
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.87

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Danger Trail
Danger Trail (1917)
François Thoreau

Would You Forgive Her?
Would You Forgive Her? (1916)

The Little Trespasser
The Little Trespasser (1916)

Myrtle the Manicurist
Myrtle the Manicurist (1916)

A Night Out
A Night Out (1916)

Miss Warren's Brother
Miss Warren's Brother (1916)

Rose of the South
Rose of the South (1916)
Mr. Curtis as a young man

Lights of New York
Lights of New York (1916)

Out of the Quagmire
Out of the Quagmire (1916)

Fair, Fat and Saucy
Fair, Fat and Saucy (1915)

A Lily in Bohemia
A Lily in Bohemia (1915)

The Silent W
The Silent W (1915)

Breaking In
Breaking In (1915)

A Price for Folly
A Price for Folly (1915)

A Motorcycle Elopement
A Motorcycle Elopement (1915)

One Plus One Equals One
One Plus One Equals One (1915)

The Thirteenth Girl
The Thirteenth Girl (1915)
Louis De Freece

Mr. Jarr's Big Vacation
Mr. Jarr's Big Vacation (1915)

On with the Dance
On with the Dance (1915)
The Husband

Wasted Lives
Wasted Lives (1915)

Levy's Seven Daughters
Levy's Seven Daughters (1915)

Buddy's Downfall
Buddy's Downfall (1914)

Buddy's First Call
Buddy's First Call (1914)

Hearts and Diamonds
Hearts and Diamonds (1914)
Harry - The Daughter's Boyfriend

In the Land of Arcadia
In the Land of Arcadia (1914)
Paolo - Robert's Son

A Helpful Sisterhood
A Helpful Sisterhood (1914)

Моя официальная жена
Моя официальная жена (1914)

My Official Wife (6.40)
Basile Weletsky

Never Again
Never Again (1914)

Old Reliable
Old Reliable (1914)

A Strand of Blond Hair
A Strand of Blond Hair (1914)

The House on the Hill
The House on the Hill (1914)

Frank Cooke

The Boys of the I.O.U.
The Boys of the I.O.U. (1914)

Fixing Their Dads
Fixing Their Dads (1914)

The Crime of Cain
The Crime of Cain (1914)

Tangled Tangoists
Tangled Tangoists (1914)

The Wrong Flat
The Wrong Flat (1914)

The Carpenter
The Carpenter (1913)

When the Press Speaks
When the Press Speaks (1913)


Топ 250
Inception (8.80)
Властелин колец: Братство Кольца
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (8.80)
Пролетая над гнездом кукушки
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (8.80)
Бойцовский клуб
Fight Club (8.80)
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Goodfellas (8.80)
Casablanca (8.80)
Семь самураев
Shichinin no samurai (8.80)
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