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H.O. Martinek

Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр, Продюсер
Пол: Мужской
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

The Deadly Model
The Deadly Model (1915)

Jim the Scorpion
Jim the Scorpion (1915)

The Octopus Gang
The Octopus Gang (1915)

The Ingrate
The Ingrate (1915)

The Hidden Witness
The Hidden Witness (1914)

A Desperate Stratagem
A Desperate Stratagem (1914)

A Warm Reception
A Warm Reception (1914)

The Friend in Blue
The Friend in Blue (1914)

The Power to Kill
The Power to Kill (1914)

The Chaplet of Pearls
The Chaplet of Pearls (1913)

Reub's Little Girl
Reub's Little Girl (1913)

Two Bachelor Girls
Two Bachelor Girls (1912)

The Old Gardener
The Old Gardener (1912)

Her Bachelor Guardian
Her Bachelor Guardian (1912)

The Battalion Shot
The Battalion Shot (1912)

Don Q and the Artist
Don Q and the Artist (1912)

Lily of Letchworth Lock
Lily of Letchworth Lock (1912)

The Plum Pudding Stakes
The Plum Pudding Stakes (1911)

The Sacred '?' Elephant
The Sacred '?' Elephant (1911)

The Wild, Wild Westers
The Wild, Wild Westers (1911)

The King's Peril
The King's Peril (1911)

A Comrade's Treachery
A Comrade's Treachery (1911)

Playing Truant
Playing Truant (1910)

Only Two Little Shoes
Only Two Little Shoes (1910)

Lost, a Monkey
Lost, a Monkey (1910)

The Tables Turned
The Tables Turned (1910)

Trust Those You Love
Trust Those You Love (1910)

The Butler's Revenge
The Butler's Revenge (1910)

Her Lover's Honour
Her Lover's Honour (1909)

Shipmates (1909)


Сценарист [ скрыть ]

Her Lover's Honour
Her Lover's Honour (1909)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Harry the Swell
Harry the Swell (1915)
Jim the Scorpion

The Officer

The Deadly Model
The Deadly Model (1915)

Dick Steele

Lord Dane

A Desperate Stratagem
A Desperate Stratagem (1914)

The Hidden Witness
The Hidden Witness (1914)
John Evans

The Friend in Blue
The Friend in Blue (1914)
John Parry

The False Wireless
The False Wireless (1914)

In the Grip of Spies
In the Grip of Spies (1914)

The Stolen Masterpiece
The Stolen Masterpiece (1914)

The Antique Vase
The Antique Vase (1913)

Sagacity Versus Crime
Sagacity Versus Crime (1913)
Arthur Wellesley

Reub's Little Girl
Reub's Little Girl (1913)


From Cowardice to Honour
From Cowardice to Honour (1912)
Neville Murray

The Winsome Widow
The Winsome Widow (1912)
Dick Wentworth

Yiddle and His Fiddle
Yiddle and His Fiddle (1912)

The Plum Pudding Stakes
The Plum Pudding Stakes (1911)
Weary Willie

The Sacred '?' Elephant
The Sacred '?' Elephant (1911)
Weary Willie

The Wild, Wild Westers
The Wild, Wild Westers (1911)
Weary Willie

Her Lover's Honour
Her Lover's Honour (1909)
The Messenger

Продюсер [ скрыть ]



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