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William Nicholas Selig

William Nicholas Selig
Профессии: Актёр, Продюсер
Брак: Mary Holdeness Pinkham (07.09.1899)
Родился: 14 марта 1864, Рыбы (160 лет назад)
Умер:: 15 июля 1948 (84 лет)
Последний фильм: 1920
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.67

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Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]


Продюсер [ скрыть ]

Потерянный город
Потерянный город (1920)

The Lost City (0.00)

The Jest of Jealousy
The Jest of Jealousy (1915)

In the Amazon Jungle
In the Amazon Jungle (1915)

Mother's Birthday
Mother's Birthday (1915)

Light o' Love
Light o' Love (1915)

Red Wins
Red Wins (1915)

The Quarry
The Quarry (1915)

Two Brothers and a Girl
Two Brothers and a Girl (1915)

The Yellow Streak
The Yellow Streak (1915)

Her Jungle Sweetheart
Her Jungle Sweetheart (1915)

A Night in the Jungle
A Night in the Jungle (1915)

An Arizona Wooing
An Arizona Wooing (1915)

Two Women and One Hat
Two Women and One Hat (1915)

On the Border
On the Border (1915)

The Smouldering
The Smouldering (1915)

Judge Dunn's Decision
Judge Dunn's Decision (1914)

Негодяи (1914)

The Spoilers (6.70)

The Golden Patch
The Golden Patch (1914)

The Right to Happiness
The Right to Happiness (1914)

Footprints (1914)

Ohio and Indiana Floods
Ohio and Indiana Floods (1913)

Alas! Poor Yorick!
Alas! Poor Yorick! (1913)

Фантомы (1913)

Phantoms (0.00)

Hankow, China
Hankow, China (1913)

Big Jim of the Sierras
Big Jim of the Sierras (1913)

Unwilling Scholars
Unwilling Scholars (1912)

First Aid to the Injured
First Aid to the Injured (1912)

The Borrowed Umbrella
The Borrowed Umbrella (1912)

Seeing Buffalo
Seeing Buffalo (1912)

Мать ковбоя
Мать ковбоя (1912)

A Cowboy's Mother (0.00)

Seeing Detroit
Seeing Detroit (1912)

They Entertain Company
They Entertain Company (1912)

Золушка (1912)

Cinderella (0.00)

Seeing Spokane
Seeing Spokane (1912)

A Mail Order Hypnotist
A Mail Order Hypnotist (1912)

The Cat and the Canary
The Cat and the Canary (1912)

Goody Goody Jones
Goody Goody Jones (1912)

Jack and Jingle
Jack and Jingle (1912)

Life with a Circus
Life with a Circus (1912)

Scenes in Cuba
Scenes in Cuba (1912)

Monte Cristo
Monte Cristo (1912)

Pansy (1912)

The Story of a Cocoanut
The Story of a Cocoanut (1912)

The Part of Her Life
The Part of Her Life (1912)

The Man from Dragon Land
The Man from Dragon Land (1912)

They Go to School
They Go to School (1912)

Великолепный волшебник страны Оз
Великолепный волшебник страны Оз (1910)

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (5.70)

The Roman
The Roman (1910)

The Boy City
The Boy City (1910)

Across the Plains
Across the Plains (1910)

The Clay Baker
The Clay Baker (1910)

Веселые виндзорские вдовушки
Веселые виндзорские вдовушки (1910)

The Merry Wives of Windsor (0.00)

The Common Enemy
The Common Enemy (1910)

Davy Crockett
Davy Crockett (1910)

The Land of Oz
The Land of Oz (1910)

The Long Trail
The Long Trail (1910)

In the Sultan's Power
In the Sultan's Power (1909)

Lost in Siberia
Lost in Siberia (1909)

Buried Alive
Buried Alive (1909)

A Fighting Chance
A Fighting Chance (1909)

How Binks Butted In
How Binks Butted In (1909)

A Country Girl's Peril
A Country Girl's Peril (1909)

In Old Arizona
In Old Arizona (1909)

The Peasant Prince
The Peasant Prince (1909)

The Engagement Ring
The Engagement Ring (1909)

The Skipper's Daughter
The Skipper's Daughter (1909)

The Engineer's Daughter
The Engineer's Daughter (1909)

In Wrong Simms
In Wrong Simms (1909)

Briton and Boer
Briton and Boer (1909)

The Crooked Path
The Crooked Path (1909)

Before the Mast
Before the Mast (1909)

The Yellow Jacket Mine
The Yellow Jacket Mine (1909)

The Dairy Maid's Lovers
The Dairy Maid's Lovers (1909)

The Lion Tamer
The Lion Tamer (1909)

Four Wise Men
Four Wise Men (1909)

Infant Terrible
Infant Terrible (1909)

With Taft in Panama
With Taft in Panama (1909)

The Blight of Sin
The Blight of Sin (1909)

Won in the Desert
Won in the Desert (1909)

Across the Isthmus
Across the Isthmus (1909)

Stricken Blind
Stricken Blind (1909)

The Senorita
The Senorita (1909)

Wheels of Justice
Wheels of Justice (1909)

Bear and Forbear
Bear and Forbear (1909)

Across the Divide
Across the Divide (1909)

A Trip to Yosemite
A Trip to Yosemite (1909)

Love Under Spanish Skies
Love Under Spanish Skies (1909)

The Cowboy Millionaire
The Cowboy Millionaire (1909)

Friday, the 13th
Friday, the 13th (1908)

Weary Waggles' Busy Day
Weary Waggles' Busy Day (1908)

Граф Монте-Кристо
Граф Монте-Кристо (1908)

The Count of Monte Cristo (6.90)

A Pair of Kids
A Pair of Kids (1908)

Summer Boarders Taken In
Summer Boarders Taken In (1908)

The Power of Labor
The Power of Labor (1908)

Доктор Джекилл и мистер Хайд
Доктор Джекилл и мистер Хайд (1908)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (5.70)

The Four-Footed Hero
The Four-Footed Hero (1908)

The Fisherman's Rival
The Fisherman's Rival (1908)

The Hidden Treasure
The Hidden Treasure (1908)

Romance of the Old Mill
Romance of the Old Mill (1908)

The Goebel Tragedy
The Goebel Tragedy (1908)

The Duke's Motto
The Duke's Motto (1908)

The Road to Ruin
The Road to Ruin (1908)

A Leap Year Proposal
A Leap Year Proposal (1908)

The Irish Blacksmith
The Irish Blacksmith (1908)

Crazed by Jealousy
Crazed by Jealousy (1908)

In the Nick of Time
In the Nick of Time (1908)

A Mountain Feud
A Mountain Feud (1908)

The Holy City
The Holy City (1908)

The Queen of the Arena
The Queen of the Arena (1908)

A Montana Schoolmarm
A Montana Schoolmarm (1908)

The Ranchman's Love
The Ranchman's Love (1908)

The Financial Scare
The Financial Scare (1908)

A Great Wrong Righted
A Great Wrong Righted (1908)

A Magical Tramp
A Magical Tramp (1908)

Just His Luck
Just His Luck (1908)

Bryan in Chicago
Bryan in Chicago (1908)

The Man in the Overalls
The Man in the Overalls (1908)

Labor Day Parade
Labor Day Parade (1908)

A Dream of Youth
A Dream of Youth (1908)

The Girl and the Judge
The Girl and the Judge (1907)

Mike the Model
Mike the Model (1907)

The Tramp Dog
The Tramp Dog (1907)

The Book Worm
The Book Worm (1907)

One of the Finest
One of the Finest (1907)

From Tacoma to Seattle
From Tacoma to Seattle (1906)

Trip Through Colorado
Trip Through Colorado (1906)

A Trip to Tampa, Fla.
A Trip to Tampa, Fla. (1906)

The Tramp and the Dog
The Tramp and the Dog (1896)















































































































































































































































































































































































Топ 250
Карты, деньги, два ствола
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (8.20)
В диких условиях
Into the Wild (8.20)
Убить Билла
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (8.20)
Донни Дарко
Donnie Darko (8.20)
Casino (8.20)
Унесенные ветром
Gone with the Wind (8.20)
The Thing (8.20)
На игле
Trainspotting (8.20)
13 причин почему
13 Reasons Why (8.20)
День сурка
Groundhog Day (8.20)
весь топ