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Leo D. Maloney

Профессии: Режиссёр, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 04 января 1888, Козерог (137 лет назад)
Умер:: 02 ноября 1929 (41 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1929
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.2

Все | Актёр | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

A Man's Soul
A Man's Soul (1914)

The Stolen Rembrandt
The Stolen Rembrandt (1914)

Актёр [ скрыть ]

Огненный детектив
Огненный детектив (1929)

Warcraft (0.00)
Chief Carson

Overland Bound
Overland Bound (1929)
Lucky Lorimer (as Leo Maloney)

The Apache Raider
The Apache Raider (1928)
'Apache' Bob (as Leo Maloney)

The Vanishing West
The Vanishing West (1928)
Jack Trent

Стервятники моря
Стервятники моря (1928)

Warcraft (0.00)

Yellow Contraband
Yellow Contraband (1928)
Leo McMahon / Blackie Harris (as Leo Maloney)

Don Desperado
Don Desperado (1927)
Leo McHale (as Leo Maloney)

Border Blackbirds
Border Blackbirds (1927)
Bart Evans (as Leo Maloney)

The Devil's Twin
The Devil's Twin (1927)
Honest John Andrews / Georg Andrews (as Leo Maloney)

Jim Rutledge (as Leo Maloney)

The Man from Hard Pan
The Man from Hard Pan (1927)
Robert Alan

'Two-Gun' Calder (as Leo Maloney)

The Blind Trail
The Blind Trail (1926)
Bob Carson (as Leo Maloney)

The High Hand
The High Hand (1926)
Sandy Sands (as Leo Maloney)

The Outlaw Express
The Outlaw Express (1926)
Miles Wayburn

Without Orders
Without Orders (1926)
Dale Monroe (as Leo Maloney)

Ranchers and Rascals
Ranchers and Rascals (1925)
Harvey Martin (as Leo Maloney)

The Shield of Silence
The Shield of Silence (1925)
Nathan Holden (as Leo Maloney)

The Trouble Buster
The Trouble Buster (1925)
Harvey Martin (as Leo Maloney)

Flash o' Lightning
Flash o' Lightning (1925)
Flash Lightnin' / Richard Coakley (as Leo Maloney)

Win, Lose or Draw
Win, Lose or Draw (1925)
Ward Austin / BenAustin (as Leo Maloney)

Revenge of the Range
Revenge of the Range (1925)
Chuck Williams (as Leo Maloney)

Across the Deadline
Across the Deadline (1925)
Clem Wainwright

The Blood Bond
The Blood Bond (1925)
Burr Evans (as Leo Maloney)

Luck and Sand
Luck and Sand (1925)
Jim Blake (as Leo Maloney)

Huntin' Trouble
Huntin' Trouble (1924)
Clay Rathbun (as Leo Maloney)

Not Built for Runnin'
Not Built for Runnin' (1924)
'Sonny Jack' Parr (as Leo Maloney)

Payable on Demand
Payable on Demand (1924)
Buck McDavid (as Leo Maloney)

Headin' Through
Headin' Through (1924)
Bob Baxter

The Loser's End
The Loser's End (1924)
Bruce Mason (as Leo Maloney)

The Perfect Alibi
The Perfect Alibi (1924)
Mack McGregor (as Leo Maloney)

Riding Double
Riding Double (1924)
'Hoss' Martin (as Leo Maloney)

Under Suspicion
Under Suspicion (1923)
(as Leo Maloney)

Border Law
Border Law (1923)
Ranger Chuck Williams (as Leo Maloney)

John Green

100% Nerve
100% Nerve (1923)
Gene Miller

Wings of the Storm
Wings of the Storm (1923)

Yellow Gold and Men
Yellow Gold and Men (1923)

Tom, Dick and Harry
Tom, Dick and Harry (1923)

King's Creek Law
King's Creek Law (1923)
Tom Hardy (as Leo Maloney)

Lost, Strayed or Stolen
Lost, Strayed or Stolen (1923)
David Phillips (as Leo Maloney)

Partners Three
Partners Three (1923)

The Rum Runners
The Rum Runners (1923)
(as Leo Maloney)

Double Cinched
Double Cinched (1923)
Lem Burke (as Leo Maloney)

Hyde and Zeke
Hyde and Zeke (1923)

Smoked Out
Smoked Out (1923)
Matt Rogers (as Leo Maloney)

Steel Shod Evidence
Steel Shod Evidence (1923)
Buck Sinclair (as Leo Maloney)

In Wrong Right
In Wrong Right (1923)
(as Leo Maloney)

The Extra Seven
The Extra Seven (1923)
(as Leo Maloney)

Warned in Advance
Warned in Advance (1923)
Tom Boone (as Leo Maloney)

The Western Musketeer
The Western Musketeer (1922)
Ranger (as Leo Maloney)

Rough Going
Rough Going (1922)
Harvey Gage (as Leo Maloney)

Come and Get Me
Come and Get Me (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Man Tracker
Man Tracker (1922)

The Test
The Test (1922)

One Jump Ahead
One Jump Ahead (1922)

Deputized (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Out o' My Way
Out o' My Way (1922)

Nine Points of the Law
Nine Points of the Law (1922)
Fred Cullen (as Leo Maloney)

Heads or Tails
Heads or Tails (1922)

The Drifter
The Drifter (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Out of the Storm
Out of the Storm (1922)

Here's Your Man
Here's Your Man (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

His Enemy's Friend
His Enemy's Friend (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Eight Four One Two
Eight Four One Two (1922)

His Own Law
His Own Law (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Santa Fe Mac
Santa Fe Mac (1922)

Under Orders
Under Orders (1922)

Ambushed (1922)

Forty-Five Calibre Law
Forty-Five Calibre Law (1922)

The Bar Cross War
The Bar Cross War (1922)
(as Leo Maloney)

Laramie and Me
Laramie and Me (1922)

The Wolverine
The Wolverine (1921)
Charlie Fox (as Leo Maloney)

Ghost City
Ghost City (1921)
Jim Hendricks (as Leo Maloney)

No Man's Woman
No Man's Woman (1921)
Cullen (as Leo Maloney)

One Law for All
One Law for All (1920)
(as Leo Maloney)

The Fatal Sign
The Fatal Sign (1920)

The Great Round-Up
The Great Round-Up (1920)

The Honor of the Range
The Honor of the Range (1920)
(as Leon Maloney)

The Lone Ranger
The Lone Ranger (1920)
(as Leo Maloney)

Red Hot Trail
Red Hot Trail (1920)

Riding Wild
Riding Wild (1919)
(as Leo Maloney)

The Arizona Cat Claw
The Arizona Cat Claw (1919)
Asa Harris (as Leo Maloney)

The Spitfire of Seville
The Spitfire of Seville (1919)
Pedro (as Leo Maloney)

The Secret Peril
The Secret Peril (1919)
(as Leo Maloney)

The Captive Bride
The Captive Bride (1919)

A Fight for Millions
A Fight for Millions (1918)

Wolves of the Range
Wolves of the Range (1918)
(as Leo Maloney)

The Lost Express
The Lost Express (1917)

The Railroad Raiders
The Railroad Raiders (1917)
Wallace Burke

The Diamond Runners
The Diamond Runners (1916)
Inspector Hudson

The Girl Detective
The Girl Detective (1916)

Whispering Smith
Whispering Smith (1916)

Creed Bombright

Tom Dawson

The Manager of the B & A
The Manager of the B & A (1916)
Dan Oakley (as Leo Maloney)

A Mistake in Rustlers
A Mistake in Rustlers (1916)
Sheriff (as Leo Maloney)


The Girl at Lone Point
The Girl at Lone Point (1915)
Billy Garwood - Express Messenger

Wadsworth - a Freight Engineer

The Girl and the Game
The Girl and the Game (1915)
Paul Storm

The Girl on the Trestle
The Girl on the Trestle (1915)
Bill Roody - Teamster

The Red Signal
The Red Signal (1915)
Brent - the Night Operator


The Human Chain
The Human Chain (1915)
Morton - the Baggageman

Ned (as Leo Maloney)

The Midnight Limited
The Midnight Limited (1915)
Wheeler - a Yeggman

The Death Train
The Death Train (1915)
Savage - a Railroad Detective

Her Slight Mistake
Her Slight Mistake (1915)
Jack (as Leo Maloney)

The Pay Train
The Pay Train (1915)
Tony - a Mexican Section Hand

Harcourt - a young soldier

How Weary Went Wooing
How Weary Went Wooing (1915)

The Wild Engine
The Wild Engine (1915)
Chief Dispatcher Bond

A Militant School Ma'am
A Militant School Ma'am (1915)
Jerald Bruce

A Deed of Daring
A Deed of Daring (1915)
Daniels - Night Operator

A Lucky Deal
A Lucky Deal (1915)

A Life in the Balance
A Life in the Balance (1915)
King - Brakeman

The Man from Texas
The Man from Texas (1915)
Fired Foreman (в титрах отсутствует)

When Rogues Fall Out
When Rogues Fall Out (1915)

A Race for a Crossing
A Race for a Crossing (1915)
Billy - a Lineman

Never Again
Never Again (1915)
(as Leo Maloney)

Bill - a Tramp

A Railroader's Bravery
A Railroader's Bravery (1915)
The Chief's Lieutenant

Buck, the Rustler (as Leo Maloney)

A Desperate Leap
A Desperate Leap (1915)

A Wild Ride
A Wild Ride (1915)
Haley - the Fireman

Jim Bradley

In Danger's Path
In Danger's Path (1915)
Warren - Railroad Detective

Near Eternity
Near Eternity (1915)
Hume - a Quarryman

The Box Car Trap
The Box Car Trap (1915)
Jim - Charlie's Boyhood Friend

The Broken Train
The Broken Train (1915)
Norris - a Crook

The Broken Circuit
The Broken Circuit (1915)
Thompson - Construction Foreman

The Girl Engineer
The Girl Engineer (1915)
Tom Walker - Owner of the Hope Mine

Billy Melville - Passenger Conductor

Cactus Jake

The County Seat War
The County Seat War (1914)
Fisher - Rodney's Chum

Henley - the Rival Railroad's Spy

The Hazards of Helen
The Hazards of Helen (1914)
Duncan [Ch. 4] / Billy Melville - Conductor [Ch. 5] / Dick Malling - Aeronaut [Ch. 6] / Sheridan - Railroad Detective [Ch. 7]

Under Desperation's Spur
Under Desperation's Spur (1914)
Will Redding - Revenue officer

Jimmy Hayes and Muriel
Jimmy Hayes and Muriel (1914)
Lieutenant Manning

The Stolen Engine
The Stolen Engine (1914)
Duncan - Locomotive Engineer

The Man from the East
The Man from the East (1914)
Ranch Foreman

Richard Buckley

Haggard - a Counterfeiter

The Mexican
The Mexican (1914)
Sim Heflin

The Flaw in the Alibi
The Flaw in the Alibi (1914)
Howard Blair - Fielding's Cashier

Fast Freight 3205
Fast Freight 3205 (1914)
Jamison - Telegraph Operator at Crow's Landing

A String of Pearls
A String of Pearls (1914)
Dominick Perazzo

A Man's Soul
A Man's Soul (1914)
Harry Keener

The Rival Stage Lines
The Rival Stage Lines (1914)
David Patrick

Alice's Brother

The Stolen Rembrandt
The Stolen Rembrandt (1914)
Sheroowd - a Fortune Hunter

Saved by a Watch
Saved by a Watch (1914)

The Delayed Special
The Delayed Special (1914)
Rand - Chief Dispatcher

The Scapegoat
The Scapegoat (1914)
Jack Turner

Playing for a Fortune
Playing for a Fortune (1914)
Jim - Leader of the River Pirates

The Sheriff's Reward
The Sheriff's Reward (1914)
The Foreman

Explosive 'D'
Explosive 'D' (1914)
Alstyne - a Foreign Spy (as Lee D. Maloney)

The Telltale Knife
The Telltale Knife (1914)
The Sheriff

The Way of the Redman
The Way of the Redman (1914)
The Gambler

A Million in Jewels
A Million in Jewels (1914)
Seelam Isham - Oonah's Cousin

The Express Messenger
The Express Messenger (1914)
Flint - a Crook

Dick Malling - an Aeronaut

Sheridan - Central Office Detective

The Silent Warning
The Silent Warning (1913)
Carlino - Ralph's Assistant

Gilt Edge Stocks
Gilt Edge Stocks (1913)
John Coleman - Maude's Sweetheart

A Demand for Justice
A Demand for Justice (1913)
Jason Williams - an Attorney

The Hermit's Ruse
The Hermit's Ruse (1913)

The Express Car Mystery
The Express Car Mystery (1913)
Black Dugan - a Loafer

In Peril of His Life
In Peril of His Life (1913)

The Runaway Freight
The Runaway Freight (1913)
Rand - a Freight Conductor

The Little Turncoat
The Little Turncoat (1913)

The Foot Print Clue
The Foot Print Clue (1913)
Harry - Laura's Sweetheart

The Reckoning
The Reckoning (1912)

A Gentleman of Fortune
A Gentleman of Fortune (1912)
(as Leo Maloney)

Hard Luck Bill
Hard Luck Bill (1912)
Tom (as Leo Maloney)

The Doctor's Double
The Doctor's Double (1912)


Топ 250
Таинственная река
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Малхолланд Драйв
Mulholland Dr. (8.00)
Человек дождя
Rain Man (8.00)
Почти знаменит
Almost Famous (8.00)
Перед рассветом
Before Sunrise (8.00)
Беги, Лола, беги
Lola rennt (8.00)
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