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Milton J. Fahrney

Профессии: Режиссёр, Сценарист, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Marjorie A., Alexandra Phillips-Fahrney (12.01.1911)
Родился: 24 июня 1872, Рак (152 лет назад)
Умер:: 26 марта 1941 (68 лет)
Последний фильм: 1929
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.75

Все | Актёр | Режиссёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

Life's Mysteries
Life's Mysteries (1915)

Her Indian Hero
Her Indian Hero (1912)

The Plains Across
The Plains Across (1911)

The Pony Express
The Pony Express (1911)

The New Ranch Owner
The New Ranch Owner (1911)

A Western Girl's Love
A Western Girl's Love (1911)

The End of the Trail
The End of the Trail (1911)

The Settler's Wife
The Settler's Wife (1911)

Roped and Tied
Roped and Tied (1911)

The Gunfighter
The Gunfighter (1911)

A Message from the West
A Message from the West (1911)

The Flower of the Tribe
The Flower of the Tribe (1911)

The Tenderfoot
The Tenderfoot (1910)

Strayed from the Range
Strayed from the Range (1910)

The Indian Princess
The Indian Princess (1910)

Frontier Day in the West
Frontier Day in the West (1910)

The Cowboy Preacher
The Cowboy Preacher (1910)

In Arizona
In Arizona (1910)

A Daughter of the Mine
A Daughter of the Mine (1910)

At Double Cross Ranch
At Double Cross Ranch (1910)

Silver Plume Mine
Silver Plume Mine (1910)

Sons of the West
Sons of the West (1910)

The Bucking Broncho
The Bucking Broncho (1910)

Days of '49
Days of '49 (1910)

The Crooked Trail
The Crooked Trail (1910)

The Law and the Man
The Law and the Man (1910)

The Call of the West
The Call of the West (1910)





Сценарист [ скрыть ]




Актёр [ скрыть ]

Untamed (1929)
Mr. Jollop (as Milton Farney)

In the First Degree
In the First Degree (1927)
Warden (as Milton Fahrney)

Stepping on the Gas
Stepping on the Gas (1927)
Colonel Smith

Chasing Trouble
Chasing Trouble (1926)
Sheriff (as Milton Fahrney)

Dangerous Odds
Dangerous Odds (1925)

Le comte Kostia
Le comte Kostia (1925)
(as Farney)

Yankee Speed
Yankee Speed (1924)
José T. Vegas (as Milton Fahrney)

Not Built for Runnin'
Not Built for Runnin' (1924)
Tod Randall (as Milton Fahrney)

The Covered Schooner
The Covered Schooner (1923)
The Father

After Twenty Years
After Twenty Years (1911)
(as Milton Fahrney)

(как Milton Fahrney)


Топ 250
Убить Билла
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (8.20)
Донни Дарко
Donnie Darko (8.20)
Casino (8.20)
Унесенные ветром
Gone with the Wind (8.20)
The Thing (8.20)
На игле
Trainspotting (8.20)
13 причин почему
13 Reasons Why (8.20)
День сурка
Groundhog Day (8.20)
Охотник на оленей
The Deer Hunter (8.20)
В порту
On the Waterfront (8.20)
весь топ