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Dorothy Kelly

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Брак: Harvey Hevenor (28.08.1916)
Родилась: 12 февраля 1894, Водолей (130 лет назад)
Умерла:: 31 мая 1966 (72 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1917
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7

Все | Актриса


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

The Money Mill
The Money Mill (1917)
Helen Ogden

The Awakening
The Awakening (1917)

The Maelstrom
The Maelstrom (1917)
Peggy Greye-Stratton

Salvation Joan
Salvation Joan (1916)
Madeline Elliston

The Scarlet Runner
The Scarlet Runner (1916)
Miss Collingwood

The Secret Kingdom
The Secret Kingdom (1916)
Madame Savatz

The Supreme Temptation
The Supreme Temptation (1916)

Annabelle Willowby

The Law Decides
The Law Decides (1916)
Florence Wharton

Four Grains of Rice
Four Grains of Rice (1915)
Ruth Grinnell

The Sultan of Zulon
The Sultan of Zulon (1915)

A Madcap Adventure
A Madcap Adventure (1915)

Twice Rescued
Twice Rescued (1915)
Nina Royston - Adopted Daughter

In the Days of Famine
In the Days of Famine (1915)
Jeanette aka Jean

A Wireless Rescue
A Wireless Rescue (1915)

Pawns of Mars
Pawns of Mars (1915)
Mrs. Florence Lefone

The Awakening
The Awakening (1915)

My Lost One
My Lost One (1915)
Perdita - Juan's Wife

Mother's Roses
Mother's Roses (1915)
Helen Morrison

Easy Money
Easy Money (1915)
Mrs. Sterling - Actress

The Wheels of Justice
The Wheels of Justice (1915)
Julia Dean, Ralph's Sweetheart

The Unwritten Play
The Unwritten Play (1914)

The Vanity Case
The Vanity Case (1914)
Grace Norris

The Mother

Большая любовь
Большая любовь (1914)

The Greater Love (0.00)
Hope Avery

Miss Raffles
Miss Raffles (1914)

The Greater Motive
The Greater Motive (1914)

Helen Gray

Netty or Letty
Netty or Letty (1914)

The Toll
The Toll (1914)

The Apple
The Apple (1914)

The Passing of Diana
The Passing of Diana (1914)

Marrying Sue
Marrying Sue (1914)

Private Dennis Hogan
Private Dennis Hogan (1914)

Dorothy Danesbridge

The Drudge
The Drudge (1914)
Anna Louise

Two Stepchildren
Two Stepchildren (1914)
Hazel Hall

The Crime of Cain
The Crime of Cain (1914)

Sonny Jim's Mother

The Wheat and the Tares
The Wheat and the Tares (1914)
Edith La Vigne

Forcing Dad's Consent
Forcing Dad's Consent (1914)

Regan's Daughter
Regan's Daughter (1914)
Mary Regan

Within an Ace
Within an Ace (1914)
Ethel - Forrester's Niece

The Spirit and the Clay
The Spirit and the Clay (1914)

A Double Error
A Double Error (1914)

The False and the True
The False and the True (1914)

The Soul of Luigi
The Soul of Luigi (1914)

The First Endorsement
The First Endorsement (1914)

O'Hara's Godchild
O'Hara's Godchild (1913)
Mrs. Tom O'Grady

Ma's Apron Strings
Ma's Apron Strings (1913)
Molly Bush

The Weapon
The Weapon (1913)

The Glove
The Glove (1913)
The Wife

An Infernal Tangle
An Infernal Tangle (1913)

The Flirt
The Flirt (1913)
Gordon's Wife

My Lady of Idleness
My Lady of Idleness (1913)
Alice, Edith's Sister

Tricks of the Trade
Tricks of the Trade (1913)

The Line-Up
The Line-Up (1913)

Bunny Versus Cutey
Bunny Versus Cutey (1913)

Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire (1913)
Marion Harrington

Bunny's Honeymoon
Bunny's Honeymoon (1913)

Mary Fleming

The Snare of Fate
The Snare of Fate (1913)
Marion Marbury

An Unwritten Chapter
An Unwritten Chapter (1913)

Playing the Pipers
Playing the Pipers (1913)

Disciplining Daisy
Disciplining Daisy (1913)

The Skull
The Skull (1913)

The Tables Turned
The Tables Turned (1913)
The Invalid's Niece

A Modern Psyche
A Modern Psyche (1913)

All for a Girl
All for a Girl (1912)
Claire Taylor

On the Pupil of His Eye
On the Pupil of His Eye (1912)
The Senator's Ward

Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle (1912)
Steenie As An Adult

Popular Betty
Popular Betty (1912)
A Jealous Rival

A Step-Daughter

One of the Lovesick Maidens

Aileen Sullivan

Pseudo Sultan
Pseudo Sultan (1912)
A Dancer

Suing Susan
Suing Susan (1912)
The Maid

Aunty's Romance
Aunty's Romance (1912)
A Stenographer

The Counts
The Counts (1912)

История двух городов
История двух городов (1911)

A Tale of Two Cities (7.00)
(в титрах отсутствует)


Топ 250
Город грехов
Sin City (8.10)
The Terminator (8.10)
There Will Be Blood (8.10)
Platoon (8.10)
The Incredibles (8.10)
Кошмар перед Рождеством
The Nightmare Before Christmas (8.10)
Крупная рыба
Big Fish (8.10)
Ratatouille (8.10)
The Graduate (8.10)
The Princess Bride (8.10)
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