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Alice Davenport

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Брак: Хэрри Дэвенпорт (25.01.1893) (детей: 1)
Родилась: 29 февраля 1864, Рыбы (160 лет назад)
Умерла:: 24 июня 1936 (72 лет)
Первый фильм: 1911
Последний фильм: 1980
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Средний рейтинг: 5.69

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Актриса [ скрыть ]

Actress in 'Caught in the Rain' (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

The Dude Wrangler
The Dude Wrangler (1930)
Dude Guest

Legend of Hollywood
Legend of Hollywood (1924)
Mrs. Rooney

Unmarried Wives
Unmarried Wives (1924)
'Ma' Casey (as Mrs. Davenport)

Monkeying Around
Monkeying Around (1923)

Oh, Mabel Behave
Oh, Mabel Behave (1922)
Inn patron

Представление (1922)

The Show (5.80)
Audience member

The Hayseed
The Hayseed (1921)

Skirts (1921)

Her Private Husband
Her Private Husband (1920)

His Private Wife
His Private Wife (1920)

The Sleep of Cyma Roget
The Sleep of Cyma Roget (1920)
Undetermined Role (as Mrs. Harry Davenport)

Rip & Stitch: Tailors
Rip & Stitch: Tailors (1919)
The tailor's wife

Spotlight Sadie
Spotlight Sadie (1919)

How Dry I Am
How Dry I Am (1919)

His Hidden Shame
His Hidden Shame (1918)

Her Blighted Love
Her Blighted Love (1918)

His Double Life
His Double Life (1918)

Tony America
Tony America (1918)
Mrs. Picciano (as Mrs. Harry Davenport)

The Betrayal of Maggie
The Betrayal of Maggie (1917)

Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire
Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire (1917)
(as Mrs. Davenport)

A Maiden's Trust
A Maiden's Trust (1917)

Pinched in the Finish
Pinched in the Finish (1917)

A Love Riot
A Love Riot (1916)

Perils of the Park
Perils of the Park (1916)

Pills of Peril
Pills of Peril (1916)

Ramona (1916)
Marda (as Mrs. H. Davenport)

Wife and Auto Trouble
Wife and Auto Trouble (1916)
His Mother-In-Law

The Worst of Friends
The Worst of Friends (1916)

His Last Scent
His Last Scent (1916)

Counting Out the Count
Counting Out the Count (1916)
(as Mrs. Harry Davenport)

The Snow Cure
The Snow Cure (1916)

Because He Loved Her
Because He Loved Her (1916)

Fido's Fate
Fido's Fate (1916)

Fickle Fatty's Fall
Fickle Fatty's Fall (1915)

His Father's Footsteps
His Father's Footsteps (1915)

Hogan's Mussy Job
Hogan's Mussy Job (1915)

The Home Breakers
The Home Breakers (1915)

Hushing the Scandal
Hushing the Scandal (1915)
Mrs. Wiggs

Fatty's Nagging Wife

Mabel's Wilful Way
Mabel's Wilful Way (1915)
Mabel's mother (в титрах отсутствует)

Мэйбл, Фатти и закон
Мэйбл, Фатти и закон (1915)

Mabel, Fatty and the Law (5.10)
Flirty Prisoner (в титрах отсутствует)

My Valet
My Valet (1915)

Rum and Wall Paper
Rum and Wall Paper (1915)

Stolen Magic
Stolen Magic (1915)

That Little Band of Gold
That Little Band of Gold (1915)
(в титрах отсутствует)

Wished on Mabel
Wished on Mabel (1915)
Mabel's mother

Caught in a Park
Caught in a Park (1915)

Ambrose's Fury
Ambrose's Fury (1915)

Caught in the Act
Caught in the Act (1915)

Woman (в титрах отсутствует)

Among the Mourners
Among the Mourners (1914)

Зарабатывая на жизнь
Зарабатывая на жизнь (1914)

Making a Living (5.40)
Mother (в титрах отсутствует)

Волшебные штаны Фатти
Волшебные штаны Фатти (1914)

Fatty's Magic Pants (5.30)
Party Hostess

The Passing of Izzy
The Passing of Izzy (1914)

Застигнутый в кабаре
Застигнутый в кабаре (1914)

Caught in a Cabaret (5.70)
Mabel's Mother (в титрах отсутствует)

The Plumber
The Plumber (1914)

Застигнутый дождем
Застигнутый дождем (1914)

Caught in the Rain (5.60)
Sleepwalking Wife

Реквизитор (1914)

The Property Man (5.70)

A Colored Girl's Love
A Colored Girl's Love (1914)

A Robust Romeo
A Robust Romeo (1914)

Cursed by His Beauty
Cursed by His Beauty (1914)

The Sea Nymphs
The Sea Nymphs (1914)
Fatty's mother in law

Double Crossed
Double Crossed (1914)

Лучший жилец
Лучший жилец (1914)

The Star Boarder (5.20)
Landlady's Friend

A Fatal Flirtation
A Fatal Flirtation (1914)

Танго-путаница (1914)

Tango Tangles (5.30)
Guest with Man in Overalls (в титрах отсутствует)

Finnigan's Bomb
Finnigan's Bomb (1914)

Fatty's Wine Party
Fatty's Wine Party (1914)

Прерванный роман Тилли
Прерванный роман Тилли (1914)

Tillie's Punctured Romance (7.00)
Party Guest (в титрах отсутствует)

Невозмутимый джентльмен
Невозмутимый джентльмен (1914)

Gentlemen of Nerve (5.60)
Patron at Outdoor Bar (в титрах отсутствует)

The Under-Sheriff
The Under-Sheriff (1914)

Hello, Mabel
Hello, Mabel (1914)
His wife

Wild West Love
Wild West Love (1914)

Love and Dynamite
Love and Dynamite (1914)

Against Heavy Odds
Against Heavy Odds (1914)
(as Mrs. Davenport)

Won in a Closet
Won in a Closet (1914)

Мэйбл за рулем
Мэйбл за рулем (1914)

Mabel at the Wheel (5.50)
Spectator in Grandstand (в титрах отсутствует)

Семейная жизнь Мэйбл
Семейная жизнь Мэйбл (1914)

Mabel's Married Life (5.70)
Neighbor (в титрах отсутствует)

Love and Gasoline
Love and Gasoline (1914)

Mabel's New Job
Mabel's New Job (1914)

The New Baby
The New Baby (1913)

The Hansom Driver
The Hansom Driver (1913)

Baffles (1913)

He Would a Hunting Go
He Would a Hunting Go (1913)

Just Brown's Luck
Just Brown's Luck (1913)

Love and Rubbish
Love and Rubbish (1913)

A Ride for a Bride
A Ride for a Bride (1913)

Mabel's Dramatic Career
Mabel's Dramatic Career (1913)
Mack's mother

Just Kids
Just Kids (1913)

The Mistaken Masher
The Mistaken Masher (1913)

Mother's Boy
Mother's Boy (1913)

Passions, He Had Three
Passions, He Had Three (1913)

A Quiet Little Wedding
A Quiet Little Wedding (1913)

That Ragtime Band
That Ragtime Band (1913)

Плохая игра
Плохая игра (1913)

A Bad Game (0.00)

The Riot
The Riot (1913)

Cohen's Outing
Cohen's Outing (1913)

A Healthy Neighborhood
A Healthy Neighborhood (1913)

Schnitz the Tailor
Schnitz the Tailor (1913)

A Hornet's Nest
A Hornet's Nest (1913)

A Double Wedding
A Double Wedding (1913)

Some Nerve
Some Nerve (1913)

The Firebugs
The Firebugs (1913)

The Tale of a Black Eye
The Tale of a Black Eye (1913)

The Telltale Light
The Telltale Light (1913)

For Lizzie's Sake
For Lizzie's Sake (1913)

The Two Widows
The Two Widows (1913)

The Leading Man
The Leading Man (1912)

At It Again
At It Again (1912)

Lily's Lovers
Lily's Lovers (1912)

Brown's Seance
Brown's Seance (1912)

A Near-Tragedy
A Near-Tragedy (1912)

The Drummer's Vacation
The Drummer's Vacation (1912)

Pants and Pansies
Pants and Pansies (1912)

The Engagement Ring
The Engagement Ring (1912)

Hoffmeyer's Legacy
Hoffmeyer's Legacy (1912)

Mabel's Lovers
Mabel's Lovers (1912)

Mabel's Stratagem
Mabel's Stratagem (1912)

Pat's Day Off
Pat's Day Off (1912)

A Spanish Dilemma
A Spanish Dilemma (1912)

Stolen Glory
Stolen Glory (1912)

The Love Trail
The Love Trail (1912)
The Widow

Got a Match
Got a Match (1912)

The Best Man Wins
The Best Man Wins (1911)


Топ 250
Подозрительные лица
The Usual Suspects (8.70)
Psycho (8.70)
Ход королевы
The Queen’s Gambit (8.70)
Окно во двор
Rear Window (8.70)
Эта замечательная жизнь
It's a Wonderful Life (8.70)
Memento (8.60)
Красота по-американски
American Beauty (8.60)
Американская история Х
American History X (8.60)
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