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Adele Farrington

Профессии: Актриса
Пол: Женский
Брак: Hobart Bosworth
Родилась: 00 1867 (158 лет назад)
Умерла:: 19 декабря 1936 (69 лет)
Первый фильм: 1914
Последний фильм: 1926
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Средний рейтинг: 7.04

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Shadow of the Law
Shadow of the Law (1926)

The Traffic Cop
The Traffic Cop (1926)
Mrs. Davidson

Along Came Ruth
Along Came Ruth (1924)
Widow Burnham

Bag and Baggage
Bag and Baggage (1923)
Mrs. Cooper

The Man Next Door
The Man Next Door (1923)
Mrs. Wisner

One Stolen Night
One Stolen Night (1923)
Mrs. Ebberly

The Scarlet Lily
The Scarlet Lily (1923)
Trixie Montresse

A Gentleman of Leisure
A Gentleman of Leisure (1923)
Lady Blount

Little Wildcat
Little Wildcat (1922)
Mrs. Wilding

The Ordeal
The Ordeal (1922)
Madame St. Levis

A Question of Honor
A Question of Honor (1922)
Mrs. Katherine Wilmot

The Bachelor Daddy
The Bachelor Daddy (1922)
Mrs. McVae

Bobbed Hair
Bobbed Hair (1922)
Aunt Emily

The Cradle
The Cradle (1922)
Mrs. Mason

Black Beauty
Black Beauty (1921)
Lady Wynwaring

Школа очарования
Школа очарования (1921)

The Charm School (0.00)
Mrs. Rolles

The Child Thou Gavest Me
The Child Thou Gavest Me (1921)
Her Mother

Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура
Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура (1921)

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (8.10)
Mrs. Cavendish

Her Mad Bargain
Her Mad Bargain (1921)
Mrs. Gordon Howe

The Spenders
The Spenders (1921)
Mrs. Bines

Don't Ever Marry
Don't Ever Marry (1920)
Bit Part (в титрах отсутствует)

The Girl in the Web
The Girl in the Web (1920)
Mrs. Janney

Неженка (1920)

The Mollycoddle (7.10)
Mrs. Warren

One Hour Before Dawn
One Hour Before Dawn (1920)
Mrs. Montague

Miss Eva Eversham

Rio Grande
Rio Grande (1920)
Alice Lopez

Too Much Johnson
Too Much Johnson (1919)
Mrs. Batterson

Mrs. E. Elmer Riggs

In Old Kentucky
In Old Kentucky (1919)
Aunt Aleathea

Putting It Over
Putting It Over (1919)
Mrs. Peeler

Something to Do
Something to Do (1919)
Mrs. Parkin

Дом тишины
Дом тишины (1918)

The House of Silence (0.00)
Mrs. Clifton

Such a Little Pirate
Such a Little Pirate (1918)
Mrs. Glendenning

Wild Youth
Wild Youth (1918)
Orlando's Mother

Honor's Cross
Honor's Cross (1918)
Marion Cabot

Heir of the Ages
Heir of the Ages (1917)
The Duchess

The Inner Shrine
The Inner Shrine (1917)
Undetermined Role

The Marcellini Millions
The Marcellini Millions (1917)
Mrs. Murray

Mrs. Schuyler

The Price Mark
The Price Mark (1917)

The Price of a Good Time
The Price of a Good Time (1917)
His Mother

A Roadside Impresario
A Roadside Impresario (1917)
Lizzie Cosgrove

The Morals of Hilda
The Morals of Hilda (1916)
Esther Grail

The Way of the World
The Way of the World (1916)
Mrs. Lake

The Woman He Feared
The Woman He Feared (1916)

What Love Can Do
What Love Can Do (1916)
Lil Magill

Love Triumphant
Love Triumphant (1916)

Two Small Town Romeos
Two Small Town Romeos (1916)

The Devil's Bondwoman
The Devil's Bondwoman (1916)
Doria Manners

Doctor Neighbor
Doctor Neighbor (1916)
Mrs. Preston

Her Bitter Cup
Her Bitter Cup (1916)
Mary McDougal

Mrs. Landon (в титрах отсутствует)

Her Defiance
Her Defiance (1916)

Little Partner
Little Partner (1916)

The Love Girl
The Love Girl (1916)
Her Aunt

Muggins (1916)

Extravagance (1915)

Her Three Mothers
Her Three Mothers (1915)

Hypocrites (1915)
The Queen (as Miss Adele Farrington)

The Closing Chapter
The Closing Chapter (1915)

Help Wanted
Help Wanted (1915)
Mrs. Jerrold Scott

It's No Laughing Matter
It's No Laughing Matter (1915)
Widow Wilkins

Scandal (1915)

Sunshine Molly
Sunshine Molly (1915)
Widow Budd

The Supreme Test
The Supreme Test (1915)
Madge Semple

This Is the Life
This Is the Life (1915)
Adeline 'Addie' Gribble

Fifty Dollars a Kiss
Fifty Dollars a Kiss (1915)

The $50,000 Jewel Theft
The $50,000 Jewel Theft (1915)

The Country Mouse
The Country Mouse (1914)
Addie Balderson

False Colors
False Colors (1914)


Топ 250
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