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Сэра Гилберт

Sara Gilbert
Сэра Гилберт
Профессии: Режиссёр, Актриса, Продюсер, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Рост: 160
Родилась: 29 января 1975, Водолей (49 лет)
Последний фильм: 2015
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Фото Сэра Гилберт Фото Сэра Гилберт Фото Сэра Гилберт


07.03.2013 12:30

Сара Гилберт подключается к работе над «Очень плохой училкой»

Исполнительница роли Лесли Уинкл из The Big Bang Theory («Теории большого взрыва») — актриса Сэра Гилберт получила возможность сыграть в пилоте комедийного ситкома Bad Teacher («Очень плохая училка») на CBS.

Даже если будет заказан полноценный сериал, она продолжит свою работу в качестве соведушей шоу на CBS, где она занята также на позиции исполнительного продюсера.
Читать полностью

Средний рейтинг: 6.44

Все | Актриса | Продюсер | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]

Персона нон грата
Персона нон грата (1996)

Persona Non Grata (0.00)

Актриса [ скрыть ]

Супергёрл (сериал) (2015)

Supergirl (6.50)
 Sara Gilbert 1 episode, 2016

Очень позднее шоу с Джеймсом Корденом
Очень позднее шоу с Джеймсом Корденом (2015)

The Late Late Show With James Corden (6.50)
 Self 1 episode, 2018

Позднее шоу со Стивеном Колбером
Позднее шоу со Стивеном Колбером (2015)

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (7.80)
 Self 1 episode, 2018

 Sara Gilbert 1 episode, 2018

 Sara Gilbert (в титрах отсутствует) 1 episode, 2014

(сериал) (2013)
 Irene (unknown episodes)

The Talk
The Talk (сериал) (2010)
Herself - Co-Host (5 episodes, 2010)

Хоторн (сериал) (2009)

Hawthorne (5.70)
Malia Price (5 episodes, 2010)

 Leslie Winkle (9 episodes, 2007-2016)

Класс (сериал) (2006)

The Class (7.70)
Fern / ... (6 episodes, 2006-2007)


Анатомия страсти
Анатомия страсти (сериал) (2005)

Grey's Anatomy (7.70)
 Kim Allen (1 episode, 2010)

In the Game
In the Game (2005)

Близнецы (сериал) (2005)

Twins (5.80)
Mitchee Arnold (18 episodes, 2005-2006)

Missy (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Законы привлекательности
Законы привлекательности (2004)

Laws of Attraction (5.70)
Gary Gadget's Assistant

24 часа
24 часа (сериал) (2001)

24 (8.40)
 Paula Schaeffer (5 episodes, 2002)

Мальчики в моей жизни
Мальчики в моей жизни (2001)

Riding in Cars with Boys (6.20)
Tina Barr

Фанатик (2000)

High Fidelity (7.60)

Amy Manning

Жизнь парней 3
Жизнь парней 3 (2000)

Boys Life 3 (6.20)
Emily (segment "$30")

Большая стрижка
Большая стрижка (1999)

The Big Tease (6.20)
Gretle Dickens

Зажигай, ребята!
Зажигай, ребята! (1999)

Light It Up (5.40)
Lynn Sabatini

$30 (1999)
Emily / Michelle

 Caitlyn Ryan (1 episode, 2008)

Печаль пустыни
Печаль пустыни (1998)

Desert Blue (6.00)

Missy (в титрах отсутствует) (хроника)

Уилл и Грейс
Уилл и Грейс (сериал) (1998)

Will & Grace (7.20)
 Cheryl 1 episode, 2003

NeuralNurse 256

Broken Record
Broken Record (1997)

 Jane Figler (15 episodes, 2004-2007)

Мёртвая жизнь
Мёртвая жизнь (1994)

Dead Beat (5.80)

Ядовитый плющ
Ядовитый плющ (1992)

Poison Ivy (5.00)
Sylvie Cooper

Суди и Симпсон
Суди и Симпсон (1990)

Sudie and Simpson (7.00)
Sudie Harrigan

Розанна (сериал) (1988)

Roseanne (7.30)
Darlene Conner / ... (219 episodes, 1988-1997)

Каламити Джейн
Каламити Джейн (1984)

Calamity Jane (6.80)
Jean (Age 7) (как Sara Abeles)

Self - Co-Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Sara Gilbert

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Guest

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Guest

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Нетипичный (0)

Atypical (8.30)
 Professor Judd 3 episodes, 2019

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Sylvie Frank

Self - Co-Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Guest

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Sylvie Frank

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess


 Self - Guest 1 episode, 2014

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess


Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Weird City
Weird City (0)
2 episodes, 2019

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - The Talk (хроника)

Self - The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek (credit only)

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

80 для Брэйди
80 для Брэйди (0)

80 for Brady (0.00)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Nominee & Presenter

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Host


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

 Self 1 episode, 2018

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Коннеры (0)

The Conners (0.00)
 Darlene Conner 52 episodes, 2018-2021



Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

 Self 1 episode, 2019

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Hostess - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Sylvie Frank

Self - Host

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek

Irene Dudek (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Irene Dudek

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)


Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Sylvie Frank

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Darlene Conner - Roseanne (хроника)


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Irene Dudek (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess, The Talk (хроника)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

 Self 3 episodes, 2017-2018

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess


Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess (credit only)

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Self - Co-Hostess

Продюсер [ скрыть ]

Episode #3.135
Episode #3.135 (2013)



Episode #3.134
Episode #3.134 (2013)

















Episode #3.132
Episode #3.132 (2013)



Episode #3.136
Episode #3.136 (2013)


The Talk
The Talk (сериал) (2010)




























































































































































































































































































Коннеры (0)

The Conners (0.00)
































































































Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Episode #3.134
Episode #3.134 (2013)
Себя - Co-Hostess

Episode #3.132
Episode #3.132 (2013)
Себя - Co-Hostess

Episode #3.136
Episode #3.136 (2013)
Себя - Co-Hostess

Episode #3.135
Episode #3.135 (2013)
Себя - Co-Hostess


Herself (хроника)


Child Stars: Their Story
Child Stars: Their Story (2000)



Себя - Presenter

Episode #1.63
Episode #1.63 (1989)

Шоу Опры Уинфри
Шоу Опры Уинфри (сериал) (1986)

The Oprah Winfrey Show (5.70)
Себя (2 episodes, 2011)

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host

Себя - Co-Hostess

 Себя 1 episode, 2018

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host

Себя - Host

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host


Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host

Себя - Host

Себя - Co-Hostess

Себя - Host

Себя - Host


Топ 250
Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие черной жемчужины
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (8.00)
Король говорит!
The King's Speech (8.00)
Хоббит: Нежданное путешествие
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (8.00)
Район №9
District 9 (8.00)
Парк Юрского периода
Jurassic Park (8.00)
Звездный путь
Star Trek (8.00)
Корпорация монстров
Monsters, Inc. (8.00)
Жизнь Пи
Life of Pi (8.00)
Эдвард руки-ножницы
Edward Scissorhands (8.00)
Миллионер из трущоб
Slumdog Millionaire (8.00)
весь топ
Сара Гилберт подключается к работе над «Очень плохой училкой»

Исполнительница роли Лесли Уинкл из The Big Bang Theory («Теории большого взрыва») — актриса Сэра Гилберт получила возможность сыграть в пилоте комедийного ситкома Bad Teacher («Очень плохая училка») на CBS. Даже если будет заказан полноценный сериал, она продолжит свою работу в качестве соведушей шоу на CBS, где она занята также на позиции исполнительного продюсера. Идея сериала основывается на одноименном фильме 2011 года с Кэмерон Диаз в главной роли. Чтобы найти нового мужа, разбитная «разведенка» в исполнении Ари Грэйнор становится учительницей в школе. Гилберт будет играть Ирен, замкнутую преподавательницу уроков сценического мастерства и английского языка, которая постепенно раскрывается и становится страстной женщиной. Также в пилоте снимутся Райан Хансен и Дэвид Алан Грайер. Хилари Уинстон (Community/«Сообщество») будет сценаристом и исполнительным продюсером совместно с авторами текста к оригинальной «Плохой училки» Ли Эйзенбергом и Джином Ступницки. Сэм Хансен и Джимми Миллер также назначены исполнительными продюсерами. ... подробнее