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Robert Conness

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Helen Strickland
Родился: 24 декабря 1867, Козерог (156 лет назад)
Умер:: 15 января 1941 (73 лет)
Первый фильм: 1910
Последний фильм: 1987
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 5.9

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Dulari (1987)

A Pair of Sixes
A Pair of Sixes (1918)
George B. Nettleton

The Ghost of Old Morro
The Ghost of Old Morro (1917)
Captain Jose

The Master Passion
The Master Passion (1917)
George Bender

A Song of Sixpence
A Song of Sixpence (1917)

The Rainbow
The Rainbow (1917)
Neil Sumner

Philip Strong

A Message to Garcia
A Message to Garcia (1916)
Lieutenant Rowan

The Heart of the Hills
The Heart of the Hills (1916)

The Witching Hour
The Witching Hour (1916)
Frank Hardmuth

Children of Eve
Children of Eve (1915)
Henry Clay Madison

The Stoning
The Stoning (1915)
The Minister

Gladiola (1915)
Ned Williams

Sir Anthony Elliott

In Spite of All
In Spite of All (1915)
Carroll Clandenning

June Friday
June Friday (1915)
Tom Van Est

Young Mrs. Winthrop
Young Mrs. Winthrop (1915)
Douglas Winthrop - Ruth's Son

On Dangerous Paths
On Dangerous Paths (1915)
Dr. Sinclair

The Ploughshare
The Ploughshare (1915)
Gov. William Lawrence

The Banker's Double
The Banker's Double (1915)

The Truth About Helen
The Truth About Helen (1915)
Hugh Graham

Her Husband's Son
Her Husband's Son (1915)

The Man Who Vanished
The Man Who Vanished (1914)

The Long Way
The Long Way (1914)

Dickson's Diamonds
Dickson's Diamonds (1914)

Bottle's Baby
Bottle's Baby (1914)
Lieutenant Bootle

A Fragment of Ash
A Fragment of Ash (1914)

Major Armand Dalberg, U.S.A.

Children Who Labor
Children Who Labor (1912)
William Hanscomb (в титрах отсутствует)

Church and Country
Church and Country (1912)

The Stolen Nickel
The Stolen Nickel (1912)
Billy's Father

His Daughter
His Daughter (1912)
Harry Valentine

The Little Organist
The Little Organist (1912)
Cyrus Cummins - The Minister

Van Bibber's Experiment
Van Bibber's Experiment (1911)
Van Bibber

His Misjudgment
His Misjudgment (1911)
Lessington - the Husband

Van Bibber

Monsieur (1911)

Van Bibber

Bootles' Baby
Bootles' Baby (1910)

The Piece of Lace
The Piece of Lace (1910)

Her First Appearance
Her First Appearance (1910)


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