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Lester Cuneo

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Francelia Billington (30.10.1920)
Родился: 25 октября 1888, Скорпион (135 лет назад)
Умер:: 01 ноября 1925 (37 лет)
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Range Vultures
Range Vultures (1925)

Hearts of the West
Hearts of the West (1925)

Two Fisted Thompson
Two Fisted Thompson (1925)

Western Promise
Western Promise (1925)

Ridin' Fool
Ridin' Fool (1924)

The Lone Hand Texan
The Lone Hand Texan (1924)

Western Grit
Western Grit (1924)
Walt Powers

The Eagle's Feather
The Eagle's Feather (1923)
Jeff Carey

The Vengeance of Pierre
The Vengeance of Pierre (1923)

The Zero Hour
The Zero Hour (1923)

Fighting Jim Grant
Fighting Jim Grant (1923)
Jim Grant

Blazing Arrows
Blazing Arrows (1922)
Sky Fire

Blue Blazes
Blue Blazes (1922)
Jerry Connors

The Masked Avenger
The Masked Avenger (1922)
Austin Patterson

The Devil's Ghost
The Devil's Ghost (1922)

Silver Spurs
Silver Spurs (1922)

Trapped in the Air
Trapped in the Air (1922)

The Ranger and the Law
The Ranger and the Law (1921)
Dick Dawson

Are All Men Alike?
Are All Men Alike? (1920)
Raoul Uhlan

Desert Love
Desert Love (1920)
The Whelp

The Terror
The Terror (1920)
'Con' Norton

Lone Hand Wilson
Lone Hand Wilson (1920)
Lone Hand Wilson

Food for Scandal
Food for Scandal (1920)
Jack Horner

The Haunted Pajamas
The Haunted Pajamas (1917)
Judge Billings

The Hidden Children
The Hidden Children (1917)
Lt. Boyd

The Hidden Spring
The Hidden Spring (1917)
Bill Wheeler

Paradise Garden
Paradise Garden (1917)
Jack Ballard

The Promise
The Promise (1917)
Buck Moncrossen

Under Handicap
Under Handicap (1917)

The Come-Back
The Come-Back (1916)
Mac Heberton

The Masked Rider
The Masked Rider (1916)
Squid Archer

Mister 44
Mister 44 (1916)
Eagle Eye

The River of Romance
The River of Romance (1916)
Reginald Williams

A Virginia Romance
A Virginia Romance (1916)

Pidgin Island
Pidgin Island (1916)
Donald Smead

A Corner in Cotton
A Corner in Cotton (1916)
Willis Jackson

Big Tremaine
Big Tremaine (1916)
Redmond Malvern

Ralph Morrison

Thirteen Down
Thirteen Down (1915)
Baron Schoman

The Amateur Prodigal
The Amateur Prodigal (1915)

The Lieutenant Governor
The Lieutenant Governor (1915)
Dennis McGrath

A Night in Kentucky
A Night in Kentucky (1915)
Colonel Jordan

The Accounting
The Accounting (1915)

The Surprise of My Life
The Surprise of My Life (1915)
Joseph Pryor

Graustark (1915)
Prince Gabriel

Pennington's Choice
Pennington's Choice (1915)

The Strength of the Weak
The Strength of the Weak (1915)

Rosemary (1915)

The Second in Command
The Second in Command (1915)
Lt. Sir Walter Mannering

Martin Hobart

The Silent Voice
The Silent Voice (1915)
Bobby Delorme

The Slim Princess
The Slim Princess (1915)
The Only Koldo


Will Strickland

On the Dawn Road
On the Dawn Road (1915)

The Private Officer
The Private Officer (1914)
Captain Osborne

Marian, the Holy Terror
Marian, the Holy Terror (1914)

Joe Brandigan

The Little Sister
The Little Sister (1914)
First Badman

The Prince Party
The Prince Party (1914)
James Atteridge


The Means and the End
The Means and the End (1914)

The Other Man
The Other Man (1914)

By Unseen Hand
By Unseen Hand (1914)

The Plum Tree
The Plum Tree (1914)
Norris Griggs

A Splendid Dishonor
A Splendid Dishonor (1914)
Dr. Appledane

Under Royal Patronage
Under Royal Patronage (1914)
Baron Spitzhausen

A Friend in Need
A Friend in Need (1914)
Girl's father

His Dearest Foes
His Dearest Foes (1914)

The Way of the Woman
The Way of the Woman (1914)

Marrying Gretchen
Marrying Gretchen (1914)

A Mix-Up on the Plains
A Mix-Up on the Plains (1914)

Every Inch a King
Every Inch a King (1914)
King Livian

Algie's Sister
Algie's Sister (1914)

The Escape of Jim Dolan
The Escape of Jim Dolan (1913)
Ed Jones

Bill's Birthday Present
Bill's Birthday Present (1913)

His Father's Deputy
His Father's Deputy (1913)
Sam Marvin (a crook)

Bud's Heiress
Bud's Heiress (1913)

How It Happened
How It Happened (1913)

Mother Love vs Gold
Mother Love vs Gold (1913)
Jim SYkes

Juggling with Fate
Juggling with Fate (1913)

Buster's Little Game
Buster's Little Game (1913)

The Cowboy Editor
The Cowboy Editor (1913)

The Law and the Outlaw
The Law and the Outlaw (1913)
Monty Ray

The Capture of Bad Brown
The Capture of Bad Brown (1913)

Ed Dillon

The Life Timer
The Life Timer (1913)

Cupid in the Cow Camp
Cupid in the Cow Camp (1913)
Arizona Bob

Made a Coward
Made a Coward (1913)
Tom Jones

Charley Pointer

The Galloping Romeo
The Galloping Romeo (1913)

The Marshal's Capture
The Marshal's Capture (1913)
The marshal's wife's brother

The Only Chance
The Only Chance (1913)
Train dispatcher

The Range Law
The Range Law (1913)

The Deputy's Sweetheart
The Deputy's Sweetheart (1913)

Finley Overmeyer

Dick Mason

The Silver Grindstone
The Silver Grindstone (1913)
Harry Custer

Sallie's Sure Shot
Sallie's Sure Shot (1913)
Coyote Jim

That Mail Order Suit
That Mail Order Suit (1913)

The Sheriff


The Frisco Kid (Apache Frank's partner)

The Stolen Moccasins
The Stolen Moccasins (1913)


The Gunfighter's Son
The Gunfighter's Son (1913)

Two Sacks of Potatoes
Two Sacks of Potatoes (1913)

The Bank's Messenger
The Bank's Messenger (1913)

Taming a Tenderfoot
Taming a Tenderfoot (1913)
Willie B. Clever (the tenderfoot)

How Betty Made Good
How Betty Made Good (1913)

The Boob
The Boob (1912)

Sons of the North Woods
Sons of the North Woods (1912)
Hank Peters

The Mantle of Red Evans
The Mantle of Red Evans (1912)

Buck's Romance
Buck's Romance (1912)
Squaw's father

An Unexpected Fortune
An Unexpected Fortune (1912)

The Opium Smugglers
The Opium Smugglers (1912)

Мать ковбоя
Мать ковбоя (1912)

A Cowboy's Mother (0.00)

The Ranger and His Horse
The Ranger and His Horse (1912)
Pete Rogers

The Cattle Rustlers
The Cattle Rustlers (1912)

Roped In
Roped In (1912)
The Cowboy

Circumstantial Evidence
Circumstantial Evidence (1912)
Hort Ingles

The Saint and the Siwash
The Saint and the Siwash (1912)

Jim's Vindication
Jim's Vindication (1912)

The Whiskey Runners
The Whiskey Runners (1912)

The Double Cross
The Double Cross (1912)

According to Law
According to Law (1912)

The Dynamiters
The Dynamiters (1912)
Joe Thompson

An Equine Hero
An Equine Hero (1912)
Pete (half-breed)

The Fighting Instinct
The Fighting Instinct (1912)

A Motorcycle Adventure
A Motorcycle Adventure (1912)

Between Love and the Law
Between Love and the Law (1912)


Топ 250
Люди Икс: Первый класс
X-Men: First Class (7.80)
Социальная сеть
The Social Network (7.80)
Kick-Ass (7.80)
Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (7.80)
Predator (7.80)
Звёздные войны: Эпизод 3 - Месть ситхов
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (7.80)
Crash (7.80)
Juno (7.80)
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