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Victoria Forde

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Том Микс (00.00.1918)
Родилась: 21 апреля 1896, Телец (128 лет назад)
Умерла:: 24 июля 1964 (68 лет)
Первый фильм: 1910
Последний фильм: 1919
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 6.37

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Western Blood
Western Blood (1918)
Roberta Stephens

Hearts and Saddles
Hearts and Saddles (1917)

A Roman Cowboy
A Roman Cowboy (1917)
The Girl

Six Cylinder Love
Six Cylinder Love (1917)
Violet Ray

A Soft Tenderfoot
A Soft Tenderfoot (1917)
The Ward

Tom and Jerry Mix
Tom and Jerry Mix (1917)
Daisy Fields

Please Be My Wife
Please Be My Wife (1917)


In Again, Out Again
In Again, Out Again (1917)

Delayed in Transit
Delayed in Transit (1917)

The Canby Hill Outlaws
The Canby Hill Outlaws (1916)
Vicky Miller

When Cupid Slipped
When Cupid Slipped (1916)

Mistakes Will Happen
Mistakes Will Happen (1916)

A Close Call
A Close Call (1916)
Rose Brown

The Passing of Pete
The Passing of Pete (1916)

Crooked Trails
Crooked Trails (1916)
Irene Norris

The Pony Express Rider
The Pony Express Rider (1916)
Grace Miller

A Corner in Water
A Corner in Water (1916)

The Raiders
The Raiders (1916)
Vicky Nelson

Ruth Randall

Roping a Sweetheart
Roping a Sweetheart (1916)
Vicky Miller

The Cowpuncher's Peril
The Cowpuncher's Peril (1916)

The Sheriff's Blunder
The Sheriff's Blunder (1916)

Making Good
Making Good (1916)

The Desert Calls Its Own
The Desert Calls Its Own (1916)

Shooting Up the Movies
Shooting Up the Movies (1916)
Vicky Wilson

An Eventful Evening
An Eventful Evening (1916)
Marion Mathews

Some Duel
Some Duel (1916)

$5,000 Reward
$5,000 Reward (1916)

The Girl of Gold Gulch
The Girl of Gold Gulch (1916)

Taking a Chance
Taking a Chance (1916)
Flo Saunders

Going West to Make Good
Going West to Make Good (1916)


The Golden Thought
The Golden Thought (1916)
Bess Jackson

Tom's Sacrifice
Tom's Sacrifice (1916)
Maude Warner

Legal Advice
Legal Advice (1916)
Vicky Sands

Tom's Strategy
Tom's Strategy (1916)

Vicky Hoskins

Along the Border
Along the Border (1916)

Too Many Chefs
Too Many Chefs (1916)
Ruth Whitmore

The Man Within
The Man Within (1916)
Vi Gatlin

An Angelic Attitude
An Angelic Attitude (1916)
Grace Williams

Trilby's Love Disaster
Trilby's Love Disaster (1916)

A Mistake in Rustlers
A Mistake in Rustlers (1916)

A Bear of a Story
A Bear of a Story (1916)

A Western Masquerade
A Western Masquerade (1916)

Jed's Little Elopement
Jed's Little Elopement (1915)

Vicky Herrick

The Downfall of Potts
The Downfall of Potts (1915)
Vic - the Police Commissioner's Daughter

When the Spirits Moved
When the Spirits Moved (1915)

When Eddie Took a Bath
When Eddie Took a Bath (1915)

Vicky Johnson


Lizzie's Dizzy Career
Lizzie's Dizzy Career (1915)

The Foreman's Choice
The Foreman's Choice (1915)

Tony, the Wop
Tony, the Wop (1915)

Lost: Three Teeth
Lost: Three Teeth (1915)

A Coat's a Coat
A Coat's a Coat (1915)

When the Deacon Swore
When the Deacon Swore (1915)

Jessie Baird

How Weary Went Wooing
How Weary Went Wooing (1915)
New School Teacher

Two Hearts and a Ship
Two Hearts and a Ship (1915)

He Fell in the Park
He Fell in the Park (1915)

A Mix-up at Maxim's
A Mix-up at Maxim's (1915)

Little Egypt Malone
Little Egypt Malone (1915)

Never Again
Never Again (1915)

Wanted... A Chaperone
Wanted... A Chaperone (1915)

A Peach and a Pair
A Peach and a Pair (1915)
The Peach

All Over the Biscuits
All Over the Biscuits (1915)

On the Eagle Trail
On the Eagle Trail (1915)

The Race for a Gold Mine
The Race for a Gold Mine (1915)
Nell Meade


Sagebrush Tom
Sagebrush Tom (1915)

Her Rustic Hero
Her Rustic Hero (1915)

The Stagecoach Guard
The Stagecoach Guard (1915)

His Egyptian Affinity
His Egyptian Affinity (1915)

When He Proposed
When He Proposed (1915)

When Her Idol Fell
When Her Idol Fell (1915)
Mrs. Newlywed

All Aboard
All Aboard (1915)

How Doctor Cupid Won Out
How Doctor Cupid Won Out (1915)

When Lizzie Went to Sea
When Lizzie Went to Sea (1915)

Almost a King
Almost a King (1915)

Caught by a Thread
Caught by a Thread (1915)
Mrs. Newlywed

When They Were Co-Eds
When They Were Co-Eds (1915)

They Were Heroes
They Were Heroes (1915)
Mrs. Eddie Smith

Athletic Ambitions
Athletic Ambitions (1915)

Eddie's Little Nightmare
Eddie's Little Nightmare (1915)

In a Jackpot
In a Jackpot (1915)
Mrs. Newlywed

Those College Days
Those College Days (1914)

Feeding the Kitty
Feeding the Kitty (1914)

The Fourth Proposal
The Fourth Proposal (1914)

For the Freedom of Cuba
For the Freedom of Cuba (1914)

A Troublesome Wink
A Troublesome Wink (1914)

The Wrong Miss Wright
The Wrong Miss Wright (1914)

A Lucky Deception
A Lucky Deception (1914)

He Never Said a Word
He Never Said a Word (1914)

The Mexican's Last Raid
The Mexican's Last Raid (1914)

His Dog-Gone Luck
His Dog-Gone Luck (1914)

On Rugged Shores
On Rugged Shores (1914)

Way of Life
Way of Life (1914)

What a Baby Did
What a Baby Did (1914)

Her Husbands
Her Husbands (1914)

Her Moonshine Lover
Her Moonshine Lover (1914)

Sophie of the Films #2
Sophie of the Films #2 (1914)

Their Ups and Downs
Their Ups and Downs (1914)

Sophie of the Films #3
Sophie of the Films #3 (1914)

All at Sea
All at Sea (1914)

Could You Blame Her
Could You Blame Her (1914)

His Strenuous Honeymoon
His Strenuous Honeymoon (1914)

Sophie of the Films #4
Sophie of the Films #4 (1914)

Cupid Pulls a Tooth
Cupid Pulls a Tooth (1914)

Sophie of the Films #1
Sophie of the Films #1 (1914)

Such a Villain
Such a Villain (1914)

In Taxi 23
In Taxi 23 (1914)

Their Honeymoon
Their Honeymoon (1914)

The Best Man Wins
The Best Man Wins (1913)
Second Bridesmaid (unconfirmed)

The Bite of a Snake
The Bite of a Snake (1913)
Women's Christian Temperance Union Member (unconfirmed)

The Path of Sorrow
The Path of Sorrow (1913)

A Girl at War
A Girl at War (1913)

A Hasty Jilting
A Hasty Jilting (1913)

Sheridan's Ride
Sheridan's Ride (1913)

The Girl Spy

A Frontier Mystery
A Frontier Mystery (1913)

Сын его матери
Сын его матери (1913)

His Mother's Son (0.00)

A Frontier Providence
A Frontier Providence (1913)

Local Color
Local Color (1913)

The Battle of Bull Run
The Battle of Bull Run (1913)

Sallie's Sure Shot
Sallie's Sure Shot (1913)

The Yaqui Cur
The Yaqui Cur (1913)
The Yaqui Chief's Daughter

Her Indian Hero
Her Indian Hero (1912)
Morning Star

When the Heart Calls
When the Heart Calls (1912)
Lillian West, the Ranchman's Fiancee

The Beating He Needed
The Beating He Needed (1912)


The Flower of the Forest
The Flower of the Forest (1912)

His Only Son
His Only Son (1912)

Pedro's Dilemma
Pedro's Dilemma (1912)

Lottery Ticket Number 13
Lottery Ticket Number 13 (1912)

The Love Trail
The Love Trail (1912)
First Daughter

Riley and Schultz
Riley and Schultz (1912)


Uncle Bill
Uncle Bill (1912)

Stolen Glory
Stolen Glory (1912)


A Pair of Jacks
A Pair of Jacks (1912)
First Jack's Wife


The Ranch Girl's Choice
The Ranch Girl's Choice (1912)

The Renegade
The Renegade (1912)


The Ranchman's Remedy
The Ranchman's Remedy (1912)

At Rolling Forks
At Rolling Forks (1912)

Settled Out of Court
Settled Out of Court (1912)


Alice Booth

Beneath Western Skies
Beneath Western Skies (1912)
Pedro's sweetheart

The Story of a Wallet
The Story of a Wallet (1912)
Gray's Stenographer

The Double Trail
The Double Trail (1912)

The Best Man Wins
The Best Man Wins (1911)

Love in Quarantine
Love in Quarantine (1910)
One of Two Girls

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Behind the Screen
Behind the Screen (1915)



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