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JuJu Chang

Профессии: Сценарист, Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Neal Shapiro (00.00.1995) (детей: 2)
Родилась: 17 сентября 1965, Дева (58 лет)
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru



Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Сценарист [ скрыть ]


Актриса [ скрыть ]


Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Hostess

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent


Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

 Self - Correspondent 4 episodes, 2013

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Hostess

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Hostess

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor

Self - Correspondent

Self - Correspondent

Self - Anchor (credit only)

Self - Anchor

Играла себя [ скрыть ]

Себя - Correspondent

Owned & Operated
Owned & Operated (2012)

Месть (сериал) (2011)

Revenge (7.90)
 Себя (1 episode, 2013)


Herself - Anchor

20/20 (сериал) (1978)

20/20 (6.50)
Себя / ... (5 episodes, 2004-2010)

Себя (как Juju Chang)

Себя - Correspondent


Топ 250
Однажды в... Голливуде
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (7.90)
В погоне за счастьем
The Pursuit of Happyness (7.90)
Стартрек: Возмездие
Star Trek Into Darkness (7.90)
Девушка с татуировкой дракона
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (7.90)
Миссия "Серенити"
Serenity (7.90)
Луна 2112
Moon (7.90)
Трудности перевода
Lost in Translation (7.90)
История игрушек 4
Toy Story 4 (7.90)
Taken (7.90)
E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (7.90)
весь топ