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Mark Fenton

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 11 ноября 1866, Скорпион (157 лет назад)
Умер:: 29 июля 1925 (58 лет)
Последний фильм: 1925
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.15

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Brand of Cowardice
Brand of Cowardice (1925)

The Storm Breaker
The Storm Breaker (1925)

Double-Fisted (1925)

American Manners
American Manners (1924)
Dan Thomas

The Battling Fool
The Battling Fool (1924)
Reverend Josiah Jenkins

Black Lightning
Black Lightning (1924)

A Fool's Awakening
A Fool's Awakening (1924)

Bert Granger

The Spirit of the USA
The Spirit of the USA (1924)
John J. Burrows

Name the Man
Name the Man (1924)
Constable Cain

Truxton King
Truxton King (1923)
Baron Dangloss

Speed King
Speed King (1923)
General Mendell

Alias the Night Wind
Alias the Night Wind (1923)
The Nurse

Little Eva Ascends
Little Eva Ascends (1922)
Mr. Moore

Too Much Business
Too Much Business (1922)
Robert Gray

Деревенский кузнец
Деревенский кузнец (1922)

The Village Blacksmith (4.90)
Dr. Brewster

The Yellow Stain
The Yellow Stain (1922)
Olaf Erickson

The Conquering Power
The Conquering Power (1921)
Monsieur des Grassins

Senator Lacour

The Great Reward
The Great Reward (1921)

Life's Darn Funny
Life's Darn Funny (1921)
Prince Karamazov

The Wallop
The Wallop (1921)
Major Vorhis

The Unknown
The Unknown (1921)
Parker Talmadge

Behold My Wife
Behold My Wife (1920)

The Devil to Pay
The Devil to Pay (1920)
Dr. Jernigan

Hitchin' Posts
Hitchin' Posts (1920)
Col. Brereton

The Prince of Avenue A
The Prince of Avenue A (1920)
Father O'Toole

The Fightin' Terror
The Fightin' Terror (1920)

813 (1920)

The Mystery of 13
The Mystery of 13 (1919)
John Green

A Fight for Love
A Fight for Love (1919)
Angus McDougal

My Unmarried Wife
My Unmarried Wife (1918)
Dr. Allen

$5,000 Reward
$5,000 Reward (1918)
Hammersley (as Marc Fenton)

Joshua Siddons

Her One Mistake
Her One Mistake (1918)
John Gordon

The Dead Shot
The Dead Shot (1918)

Home, James
Home, James (1918)

Adm. von Tirpitz

The Kidnapped Bride
The Kidnapped Bride (1917)

The Flashlight
The Flashlight (1917)

Flirting with Death
Flirting with Death (1917)

The Gates of Doom
The Gates of Doom (1917)
Sir Ethelbert Duane

The High Sign
The High Sign (1917)
Ivan Posloff (as Marc Fenton)

Colonel Searles

The Man Trap
The Man Trap (1917)
R.H. Steadman

Бейсбольное безумие
Бейсбольное безумие (1917)

Baseball Madness (0.00)

Richard Lanning (as Marc Fenton)

The Dynamite Special
The Dynamite Special (1917)

The Phantom's Secret
The Phantom's Secret (1917)
Count de Beaulieu

Saving the Fast Mail
Saving the Fast Mail (1917)

The Car of Chance
The Car of Chance (1917)
James Bennett

The Clean-Up
The Clean-Up (1917)
James Richards

Number 10, Westbound
Number 10, Westbound (1917)
(as Marc Fenton)

The Clock
The Clock (1917)
John Graham

The Leap
The Leap (1916)

The Money Lenders
The Money Lenders (1916)

The Purple Maze
The Purple Maze (1916)

Through Solid Walls
Through Solid Walls (1916)

Dr. Lund, Senior (as Marc Fenton)

Behind the Lines
Behind the Lines (1916)
Señor Garcia (as Marc Fenton)

Black Friday
Black Friday (1916)
Jim Fisk (as Marc Fenton)

Romance at Random
Romance at Random (1916)

A Child of Mystery
A Child of Mystery (1916)
Judge Andrews

Little Eve Edgarton
Little Eve Edgarton (1916)
John Elbertson (as Marc Fenton)

False Gems
False Gems (1916)

Знак Каина
Знак Каина (1916)

The Mark of Cain (0.00)
Dick's Father

Orders Is Orders
Orders Is Orders (1916)

The Son of a Rebel Chief
The Son of a Rebel Chief (1916)

For Love and Gold
For Love and Gold (1916)

Guilty (1916)

Their Act
Their Act (1916)

The Black Box
The Black Box (1915)
Inspector French

The Broken Coin
The Broken Coin (1915)
King of Grahaffen

The Campbells Are Coming
The Campbells Are Coming (1915)
Undetermined role

Graft (1915)
Roger Maxwell

An Oriental Romance
An Oriental Romance (1915)
Heapley, the Loan Shark

Heritage (1915)
Big Bill's father (as Marc Fenton)

The Silent Command
The Silent Command (1915)
The coroner

The Little Upstart
The Little Upstart (1915)

Changed Lives
Changed Lives (1915)


Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell (как Marc Fenton)

Roger Maxwell (как Marc Fenton)


Топ 250
Монти Пайтон и Священный Грааль
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (8.40)
Лоуренс Аравийский
Lawrence of Arabia (8.40)
Oldeuboi (8.40)
Amadeus (8.40)
Развод Надера и Симин
Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (8.40)
Der Untergang (8.40)
Китайский квартал
Chinatown (8.40)
Бесславные ублюдки
Inglourious Basterds (8.30)
История игрушек
Toy Story (8.30)
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