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Jack Hopkins

Профессии: Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Родился: 17 марта 1876, Рыбы (148 лет)
Последний фильм: 1929
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 4.9

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Unguarded Girls
Unguarded Girls (1929)

Lezica (as John Hopkins)

A Gentleman Preferred
A Gentleman Preferred (1928)
Kent Carlington (as John Hopkins)

The Helpless Helper
The Helpless Helper (1927)
Professor Rockenrye (as James Hopkins)

Unrestrained Youth
Unrestrained Youth (1925)
Fred Whitney (as John Hopkins)

Loyal Lives
Loyal Lives (1923)
Judkins (as John Hopkins)

The Broken Silence
The Broken Silence (1922)
Pierre Marat

Mother Machree
Mother Machree (1922)
Spirit of Bad Council

The Prophet's Paradise
The Prophet's Paradise (1922)
Kranda (as John Hopkins)

The Scarab Ring
The Scarab Ring (1921)
Mr. Kheres

The Girl from Porcupine
The Girl from Porcupine (1921)
Her Brother

The Shadow
The Shadow (1921)

The Dead Line
The Dead Line (1920)
Buck Gomery (as John Hopkins)

A Manhattan Knight
A Manhattan Knight (1920)
Crook Butler (as John Hopkins)

Open Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes (1919)
Mr. Walton

The Challenge Accepted
The Challenge Accepted (1918)
James Grogan (as John Hopkins)

The Inn of the Blue Moon
The Inn of the Blue Moon (1918)
Jeb Robbins (as John Hopkins)

Pecardo (as John Hopkins)

Wild Honey
Wild Honey (1918)
Joe Stacey (as John Hopkins)

The Unchastened Woman
The Unchastened Woman (1918)
The Man (as John Hopkins)

Zongar (1918)
Richard Sutton

Daughter of Maryland
Daughter of Maryland (1917)

The Bitter Truth
The Bitter Truth (1917)

Queen X
Queen X (1917)

The Rainbow
The Rainbow (1917)

American Maid
American Maid (1917)
Sam Benson (as John Hopkins)

A Circus Romance
A Circus Romance (1916)
Revewrend Albert Martin

My Country First
My Country First (1916)
Dempsey (as John Hopkins)

The Black Butterfly
The Black Butterfly (1916)
Don Luis Maredo (as John Hopkins)

The Conquest of Canaan
The Conquest of Canaan (1916)
Happy Fear

Her Wonderful Day
Her Wonderful Day (1915)

Life Without Soul
Life Without Soul (1915)
Henry Claridge

Sunshine and Tempest
Sunshine and Tempest (1915)
Fletch Bird

The Criminal Path
The Criminal Path (1914)
John Horton

Bob Caldecott

The Governor's Ghost
The Governor's Ghost (1914)
Horace Walters

The Seats of the Mighty
The Seats of the Mighty (1914)

In the Stretch
In the Stretch (1913)

Man and Woman
Man and Woman (1913)

The Worker
The Worker (1913)

The Devil Within
The Devil Within (1913)

The Dividing Line
The Dividing Line (1913)

The Better Way
The Better Way (1913)

The Current
The Current (1913)

The Grip of Jealousy
The Grip of Jealousy (1913)

The Helping Hand
The Helping Hand (1913)

Оливер Твист
Оливер Твист (1912)

Oliver Twist (4.90)
Charles Leeford

Paul and Virginia
Paul and Virginia (1912)

For the Love of Mike
For the Love of Mike (1912)
Mike, a Robust Irishman

The Wedding March
The Wedding March (1912)
Oscar Blanche

Object Matrimony
Object Matrimony (1912)

Willie's Conscience
Willie's Conscience (1911)

The Count

Arthur's Boss

A Gay Time in Washington
A Gay Time in Washington (1911)

The Human Torpedo
The Human Torpedo (1911)

Jack's Umbrella
Jack's Umbrella (1911)

Love's Labor Lost
Love's Labor Lost (1911)

A Nearsighted Chaperone
A Nearsighted Chaperone (1911)




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