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Duncan McRae

Профессии: Режиссёр, Актёр
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Gertrude McCoy (00.00.1919)
Умер:: 04 февраля 1931 (1931 лет)
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Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Режиссёр [ скрыть ]


Актёр [ скрыть ]

The Daredevil
The Daredevil (1918)
Capt. Armand de Lassiles

My Own United States
My Own United States (1918)
Gen. Alexander Hamilton

Count Jules Berratti

Roy Talbot

The Woman's Law
The Woman's Law (1916)
George Orcutt / Keith Edgerton

That Sort
That Sort (1916)
John Heppell

The Lash of Destiny
The Lash of Destiny (1916)
Bert Temple

Greater Than Art
Greater Than Art (1915)
Count La Fleur - Roue

Cohen's Luck
Cohen's Luck (1915)
Sam Blumenthal

The Glory of Clementina
The Glory of Clementina (1915)

Honorable Captain Paul Elliott

June Friday
June Friday (1915)
Samuel Blake

On the Stroke of Twelve
On the Stroke of Twelve (1915)
Rupert Hazard, a Penniless Inventor

Through Turbulent Waters
Through Turbulent Waters (1915)
Jane's father

Only the Maid
Only the Maid (1915)

Myles Standish

Comedy and Tragedy
Comedy and Tragedy (1914)

The Man in the Street
The Man in the Street (1914)

Andy Plays Cupid
Andy Plays Cupid (1914)

Olive Is Dismissed
Olive Is Dismissed (1914)

On the Isle of Sarne
On the Isle of Sarne (1914)

The Long Way
The Long Way (1914)

The Best Man
The Best Man (1914)
Heath - a Private Detective

Secondary Role


Топ 250
В порту
On the Waterfront (8.20)
В поисках Немо
Finding Nemo (8.10)
Останься со мной
Stand by Me (8.10)
Room (8.10)
Ультиматум Борна
The Bourne Ultimatum (8.10)
Игры разума
A Beautiful Mind (8.10)
Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти: Часть 2
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (8.10)
Малышка на миллион
Million Dollar Baby (8.10)
Двенадцать обезьян
Twelve Monkeys (8.10)
весь топ