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Steve Kroft

Профессии: Актёр, Играл себя
Пол: Мужской
Брак: Jennet Conant (детей: 1)
Родился: 22 августа 1945, Лев (78 лет)
Последний фильм: 1990
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 8.8

Все | Актёр


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актёр [ скрыть ]

Himself - Host

Nature (сериал) (1982)

Self - Correspondent (segment "40 Million Mistakes")

Self (хроника)

Self - Correspondent (segment "Philip Seymour Hoffman")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Gaskos")

Self - Correspondent (segment "March of the Machines")


Self - Host

Self - Correspondent (segment "Pete Dye")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Rocky Mountain High")

Self - CBS News

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Gaskos")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Spy Among Us")


Self - Correspondent (segment "Steve Carell")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Data Brokers")

Self - 60 Minutes Correspondent

Self - Correspondent (segment "Imminent Danger")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Falling Apart")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Rigged")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Attack on Sony")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Disability, USA")

Self - Corresponent (segment "Update")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Washington's Open Secret")

Self (хроника)

Self - Correspondent (segment "Washington's Open Secret")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Bradley Cooper")

Self - Correspondent (segment "8 Days in Tehran")

Self - Correspondent (segment "President Obama")

Self - 60 Minutes Correspondent

Self - Correspondent (segment "Bob Simon")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Jimmy Buffett")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Gaskos")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Attack on Sony")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Imminent Danger")

Self (хроника)

Self - Correspondent (segment "Whisky Island")

Self - Host

Self - Host

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Spy Among Us")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Pete Dye")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Jay Leno")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Rocky Mountain High")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Falling Apart")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Dame Maggie")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Rigged")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Birdmen")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Bradley Cooper")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Cost of Admission")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Data Brokers")

Self - CBS News

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Tax Refund Scam")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Angel of Death")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Gaskos")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Jay Leno")

Self - Correspondent (segment "Steve Carell")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Birdmen")

Self - Correspondent (segment "The Tax Refund Scam")


Self - Host

Self - Correspondent (segment "LeBron")

Self - Correspondent (segment "President Obama")

Играл себя [ скрыть ]

Себя - Correspondent (segment "March of the Machines")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dame Maggie")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Cost of Admission")

Conan O'Brien Can't Stop
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop (2011)

Himself / Narrator

Я должен США
Я должен США (2008)

I.O.U.S.A. (7.60)
Себя (хроника)

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Not Ready to Make Nice")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "In Harm's Way")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dustin Hoffman")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "An Expensive Lesson")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "A Deal with the Devil")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Anonymous Revealed")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Echo Boomers")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Tim Howard")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "An Expensive Lesson")

Child Prodigies
Child Prodigies (2005)
Себя - Correspondent

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Rape in the Ranks")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Handouts for the Homeland")

Себя - Corresponent (segment "Carl Hiaasen")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Everybody Does Love Raymond")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Dinner Set Gang")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Closer!")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Porn in the U.S.")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Self Made Maverick")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "A Deal with the Devil")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Boosting")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Anonymous Revealed")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Jim Carrey")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dustin Hoffman")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Last Gangster")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Echo Boomers")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Best Possible Deal?")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Self Made Maverick")

Himself - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Couldn't Keep It to Myself")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "General Anthony Zinni")

Ronald Reagan Remembered
Ronald Reagan Remembered (2004)
Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Chemical Plant Insecurity")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dr. Sam Waksal")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Yucca Mountain")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Farewell to the Queen")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Michelle Wie")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Finding Saddam")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dr. Sam Waksal")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Gimme Shelter")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Yucca Mountain")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Puzzle Master")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Chemical Plant Insecurity")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Sheryl Crow")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Montana Power")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Porn in the U.S.")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Dr. Shahristani")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Operation Iraqi Freedom?")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Saddam's Money")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Reserves")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Sheriff of Wall Street")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Armed and Dangerous")

Себя - Host

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Toxic Town")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Inspector")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Iraqi Oil")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Brother Rick Curry")

Breaking the News
Breaking the News (2001)

Мелкие мошенники
Мелкие мошенники (2000)

Small Time Crooks (6.50)

Ежедневное шоу
Ежедневное шоу (сериал) (1996)

The Daily Show (8.90)
Себя (2 episodes, 2001-2003)

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Derivatives")

Кормёжка (1992)

Feed (5.80)
Себя (хроника)

West 57th
West 57th (1985)
Himself - Correspondent (1987-1989)

60 минут
60 минут (сериал) (1968)

60 Minutes (2.97)
Себя - Correspondent / ... (35 episodes, 1989-2012)

60 Minutes Sports
60 Minutes Sports (0)
 Себя - Correspondent (segment "LeBron") / ... (3 episodes, 2013)

Себя - Guest

Себя - Correspondent (segment "The Pioneer Hotel Fire")

Себя - Correspondent (segment "Angel of Death")



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