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Cornelia Frances

Профессии: Актриса, Играла себя
Пол: Женский
Брак: Michael Eastland (00.00.1969) (детей: 1)
Родилась: 07 апреля 1941, Овен (83 лет)
Последний фильм: 2013
Поделиться: Добавить в Facebook В Twitter МойМир@Mail.ru


Средний рейтинг: 7.18

Все | Актриса | Главные роли


Сортировка по: Году :: Рейтингу :: Количеству голосов
Актриса [ скрыть ]

Morag Bellingham

Morag Bellingham

Episode #1.5657
Episode #1.5657 (2012)
Morag Bellingham

Episode #1.5656
Episode #1.5656 (2012)
Morag Bellingham

Milly, Molly
Milly, Molly (2008)
Aunt Maude

Home and Away: Weddings
Home and Away: Weddings (2005)
Morag Bellingham (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Ned (2003)


Janet Frawley

Tortoise (голос)

Morag Bellingham (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Pirates Island
Pirates Island (1991)
Captain Blackheart

Дома и в пути
Дома и в пути (сериал) (1989)

Home and Away (5.20)
Morag Bellingham

Погонщик (1989)

Minnamurra (6.30)
Caroline Richards

Возвращение на Снежную реку
Возвращение на Снежную реку (1988)

The Man from Snowy River II (6.10)
Mrs. Darcy

Будущее прошедшее
Будущее прошедшее (1987)

Future Past (3.70)

Jackal and Hide
Jackal and Hide (1987)
Madame Zentha

Agatha McLeod

Runaway Island
Runaway Island (1982)
Agatha McLeod

Outbreak of Hostilities
Outbreak of Hostilities (1982)

Barbara Hamilton

Наказание (сериал) (1981)

Punishment (4.90)
Cathy Wells (1981)

Run Rebecca, Run!
Run Rebecca, Run! (1981)
Member for Southdown

A Wild Ass of a Man
A Wild Ass of a Man (1980)


Skyways (сериал) (1979)
Susan Winters

Узник (сериал) (1979)

Prisoner (7.90)
Carmel Saunders (4 episodes, 1980)

All at Sea
All at Sea (1977)
Miss Swallow

Elizabeth Quinn (6 episodes)

Sister Scott

Murcheson Creek
Murcheson Creek (1976)

The Last Rites
The Last Rites (1975)

The Box
The Box (1975)
Dr. S M Winter

Essington (1974)

Catwalk (сериал) (1972)
Cornelia Heyson

Barbara Anderson

Dynasty (сериал) (1970)
Georgina Clausen

Angela Ward

Homicide (сериал) (1964)
Julie Kurnow

The Queen's Guards
The Queen's Guards (1961)
Officer's girl friend (в титрах отсутствует)

Подглядывающий (1960)

Peeping Tom (7.80)
Girl in Sports Car Leaving Studio (в титрах отсутствует)

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott


Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Self / Barbara Hamilton / Morag Bellingham / Mrs. Darcy

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott


Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Liz Hardy

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham (голос) (хроника) (в титрах отсутствует)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

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Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (в титрах отсутствует)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Self - Host

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Self - Host

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Self - Host

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Agatha McLeod

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Self - Host

 Self 1 episode, 1979

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Agatha McLeod

Morag Bellingham

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Grace Scott

Self - Host


Grace Scott (credit only)

Grace Scott (credit only)

Играла себя [ скрыть ]


The Best of Aussie Drama
The Best of Aussie Drama (2002)

Telethon (сериал) (1968)


Топ 250
127 часов
127 Hours (7.90)
Переступить черту
Walk the Line (7.90)
Волшебная страна
Finding Neverland (7.90)
Железная хватка
True Grit (7.90)
Офисное пространство
Office Space (7.90)
Перекресток Миллера
Miller's Crossing (7.90)
Выходной день Ферриса Бьюллера
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (7.90)
21 грамм
21 Grams (7.90)
Sing Street (7.90)
300 спартанцев
300 (7.80)
весь топ